Serendy - Privacy policy

Embrace your destiny

This Privacy policy is issued by Kallistoni (hereinafter referred to as "Kallistoni", "We"). Kallistoni is registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under SIREN number 915 375 943 and whose registered office is located at 8 boulevard Tino Rossi, 20000 Ajaccio.

It applies to all personal data processing carried out by Kallistoni in its capacity as data controller via its mobile application Serendy (the “App”).

Kallistoni is extremely vigilant about respecting your privacy and protecting your personal data: We have placed at the center of our commitments the respect and the protection of the privacy and personal data of our users, and therefore to comply with the applicable regulations, and in particular with the French law n °78-17 of January 6, 1978 "Informatique et Libertés" as amended and the European Data Protection Regulation No. 2016/679 (known as "GDPR") entered into force on May 25, 2018, but also to ensure better data protection in order to improve our goods and services.

This Privacy policy will enable users to understand how and why their personal data is collected and processed by Kallistoni and how to exercise their rights.

This Privacy policy may be updated, in particular to take account of changes in our services, technologies or applicable regulations. These updates will take effect immediately when they are made available and consultable on our App.

If users have any questions about this Privacy policy and, more generally, about the collection and processing of their personal data via the App, they can contact us via e-mail: .

  1. To whom is this privacy policy addressed?

    This Privacy policy is addressed to anyone who uses the App and transmits or entrusts us with personal data via our App and the related services of Kallistoni (the “User”, “You”).

  2. What is "personal data"?

    Within the meaning of GDPR and the "Informatique et Libertés" law, "personal data" means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, such as a natural person's surname, first name, e-mail and postal addresses, image, IP address, location data....

  3. What personal data do We collect?

    During your use of the App, You may provide us with the following data:

    1. E-mail address;
    2. Phone number;
    3. First name;
    4. Date of birth;
    5. Height;
    6. Gender;
    7. Sexual orientation;
    8. Location;
    9. Occupation;
    10. Photo of User;
    11. Every personal information You want to share in your description.
  4. If You connect to our App using Google authentifcation, We may also collect:

    1. the email address linked to your Google account. This information will be used to create your account on our App;
    2. Serendy's use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy , including the Limited Use requirements.

    When You use our App, We may also collect:

    1. information about your use of our App, including data traffic and records of choices You make online, for internal purposes such as product analysis, development and improvement;
    2. log files and statistics relating to actions carried out on our App;
    3. technical information about any device and operating system You use when visiting our App, including your device identifier, your Internet Protocol (IP) address, your device's browser version, the pages of our service You visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on these pages and other statistics.

    We only use one cookie to save your session on your smartphone so You can stay logged in. To better understand how cookies work and what they are used for, please see "Do We use cookies?" below.

  5. Why do We need to collect personal data?

    Kallistoni collects personal data in order to provide and improve its App, and in particular for the following purposes:

    1. To provide You with the best possible user experience. Indeed, to meet new people with the App, We recommend that You provide some information about yourself;
    2. To improve our services and develop new ones;
    3. To manage our commercial relationship with You;
    4. To send You information or newsletters.
  6. What is the legal basis for this processing?

    Depending on the processing, the legal basis is:

    1. The performance of the contract: Your use of the App is made pursuant to a contract concluded between You and Kallistoni. Therefore, the information You provide us by completing your profile is processed by Kallistoni for the performance of the contract.
    2. Your consent: Some data is considered special or sensitive by the GDPR, such as people's sexual orientation. When You choose to provide us with this kind of data, for example when You choose the gender You want to meet when using the App, You consent to the processing of that information. We also ask for your consent to collect your location data. You will be able to withdraw your consent by changing your settings (for example, for the collection of your location data) or by deleting your content (for example, if You have included information that may be considered special or sensitive on your profile). In any case, You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at
    3. Our legitimate interest: We analyze the behavior of users in order to constantly improve our services. We also provide You with offers that may be of interest to You. We process information to ensure your safety and, where necessary, We process data to enforce our rights, assist law enforcement agencies and enable us to defend ourselves in the event of legal action.
  7. Can I object to the processing of my personal data?

    The information You provide via the App remains your personal data. You therefore have the right to object to or limit certain processing of your personal data, as well as the right to access, rectify or even delete your personal data or request portability, by writing to us at: Your requests will be processed within 1 month of receipt. This period may be renewable. We reserve the right to ask You for a copy of an identity document, in order to verify your identity; this will only be kept by us for the duration of the processing of your request. For more information on your rights, please consult the website of the data protection authority in your country. In France, the relevant authority is the CNIL, whose website is:

  8. How does Kallistoni ensure the protection of personal data?

    Kallistoni has implemented a number of actions and technical and organizational measures to meet the requirements of the GDPR regarding the protection and security of personal data.

    Regarding the security measures implemented to protect personal data against any risk of breach, unauthorized disclosure or damage to its integrity, Kallistoni has deployed all necessary means with its teams and service providers to minimize the risks of security breaches, including:

    1. Access to an App accounts require the reception of a verification code via sms;
    2. We strive to maintain 24/7 system monitoring to ensure the security of the personal data We process;
    3. Our App is regularly scanned for security flaws and vulnerabilities, and We take the necessary precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of personal data.

    When certain services require the use of a third party (subcontractor), Kallistoni selects its service providers on the basis of strict security and confidentiality criteria defined in advance according to the stakes involved, and systematically requires its subcontractors to provide a level of security that guarantees an adequate level of protection for the personal data they process on our behalf.

  9. What are the retention periods for the personal data collected?

    Kallistoni undertakes to retain the personal data entrusted to it for periods limited to the provision of services or as required to meet its contractual or legal obligations. In particular, User’s data will be retained for the duration of the contractual relationship + 1 year from its end.

  10. Is your personal data transferred to countries outside the European Union?

    Your personal data may be transferred to service providers We use for IT services in particular.

    The provision of these services is governed by contract, and We make every effort to select our service providers on the basis of highly demanding security criteria.

    In order to perform the Services, We may transfer some of your Personal Data to third-party service providers located or using servers located outside the European Union (the "EU") and the European Economic Area (the "EEA"). In this case, We ensure that they are located in a country considered to have an adequate level of protection for personal data by the European Union.

  11. Do We use cookies?

    A cookie is a small non-executable file composed simply of text that is sent by our App or third-party websites to your computer or smartphone.

    We use cookies when You use our App, but We only use one cookie to save your session on your smartphone so You can stay logged in.

    This cookie can be classified into the legal category “Cookies that are strictly necessary for the provision of an online communication service”, and therefore does not require consent.

    At any point, You can logout from the App or erase the App’s data via your smartphone’s settings in order to delete this logging cookie from your smartphone.

  12. Contact Us

    If you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding this Privacy Policy or the privacy practices of Serendy, please contact us at

(Last update : 13/09/2023)